Sunday 4 November 2012


I came up with a list of traits some time ago that seem to be common among the creative people I knew. Take a look at my list below. Highlight those that seem to apply to you, and consider those that do not. Note those that you might want to incorporate yourself. The list is in no particular order, so go and explore. Just reading them over may prove instructive, for these are the characteristics I feel that leads to being  more creative. I believe that people often think they are not capable of being artistic, so they never try to be. The funny thing is, applying this logic even people who are successful artists are not artistic.

Part A- 5 words associated to 'Creativity'

1. Imagination

Many have come to believe our creativity and what we can create is limited by our bodies. This is only in part true and not the truth of reality. We have failed to come to understand the truth of our being and to realize we all have an unlimited creativity. We each have the ability to access the unseen realms of Creation and explore in ways our mind cannot often logically understand. We do so simply by how we choose to focus our attention and awareness and realize what we experience will be determined by the environment in which we find ourselves and the awareness which lies within what we feel. That is, different environments will give us a different experience for the same focus of our attention and awareness.
As a human being, our creative life energy/creative spirit is only currently localized inPhysical Creation. Most of our attention and awareness is directed toward, and into, our physical experience as a human being However, through the wave particle nature energy consciousness a part of our being continues to permeate the unseen realms of Creation.
For any independent point of consciousness that which has a facet of its focus of its attention and awareness on, or in, being physical, we can experience as physical. In these cases a portion of its localized energy overlaps the localized energy of Physical Creation. That which does not have a facet of being physical will be seen and experienced only in the non physical and characterized by our mind as something accessible and through our creative imagination. That is, of course, if our mind the previous experiences to understand what we experience.

2. Creative People Take Action

Thinking creative thoughts is not being creative. There must be an action, a product, or a performance, some work done, some creation for there to be creativity. Sitting and dreaming is fine, for it's often where ideas come from, but action is what creates.  Action, even without thinking is better than waiting to think of the right thing to do. Dreamers often refuse to begin the work until they have thought up what it is they are supposed to do. They “think” too much without acting. This is not necessarily a good way to go about being creative. The old adage of “ready, aim, fire,” seldom leads to great works. The creative mantra is “Fire, aim, and now maybe you’re ready.” It takes phone calls, drawings, letters, proposals, work prints, rough drafts, a model, a note to or a conversation with someone to get the creativity started. Thinking is fine, but do not just think, act! Get started. Build momentum, even if it is the wrong direction, or you are confused about the direction. Once you see what it is you have done, or have produced, only then can you adjust your direction.  Even mistakes can lead you toward your goal. It’s easier to change direction once moving than to get started, so get started.

3. Independent

They have an ability to work alone, to be alone, and to stand alone in their convictions. They defend their vision and their projects . . .  often against great odds and the objections, even ridicule from others. Creative people can be independent to the point of stubbornness.

4. Different

and they do not mind being different. My mother would tell me as a child: "Yes, Aliah you are different, but in being different, you are special." She gave me permission to accept my "differentness"; that is the permission creative people need to give themselves. (It would helpful if those who love or work with creative people were to offer the same acceptance of this differentness.)

5. Expression

 People who experience the world in novel and original ways. These are (personally creative) individuals whose perceptions are fresh, whose judgements are insightful, who may make important discoveries that only they know about. They can make a story in their mind and be able to make life as interesting as inside their head.

Part B - 5 words not associated to 'Creativity'

1.  Uncreative 

  The one that started it all.. If your not creative at all, you can never be creative. You got to think of something with your blood, sweat and tears to get an original idea. If you don’t, its just because your simply… uncreative. There is no other logical explanation.

2. Dull

  If the person’s idea is lacking the excitement to be creative, it simply wouldn’t be anything interesting. It would just be dull… simple as that. If the person lacks the thought of making it exciting, same thing would happen, it would just be dull.

3. Boring

  It is something where the words was tedious and tiresome. Something that’s really boring/the person is boring, cannot be creative. Simply, if something is boring, there wouldn’t be a good reception towards it now, wouldn’t it??

4. Ordinary 

The power of making something boring. This is something that will not spark any sort of creativity in your mind. They will see a box and think of it as a…. you guess it, a box. Just a regular box that nobody cares and would throw it like a garbage.

5. Fake

A fake person is someone how is not genuine and will do whatever it takes to make themselves look good. They will take credit for other's work or down play the good of others to illuminate oneself. Fake people also take part in hipocrisy, lies, and will turn on friendship the moment it no longer is a benefit for them. They will change their personality to fit in to a certain group. A person who has different personalities, acts and works different around other people to make themselves also look cool being fake is not a good thing. 

Sir Ken Robinson’s Speech

This week, Mr Yap had shown us a video. It was a speech by Sir Ken Robinson on TEDTalks, entitled ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’.

Respond and reflect to the Ken Robinson 2006 Ted Talk episode on creativity education and intelligence.
The point that triggers me in the talk was where Ken Robinson talked about the little girl who was drawing how god look liked. I wonder how she thought about how god looked like. Nobody could imagine someone drawing a self-portrait about someone in the high above, someone that we couldn’t see at all. The teacher ask her how could she know’s that’s how god looks like, her only reply was.. ” Well, now you know how ”. To me, this is a very creative idea, doing a art where you imagine how god look like.

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