Thursday 15 November 2012



1. What traits made them creative ?

Different country have a different kind of cretivity history. For instance, in Greece creativity, there is a Temple of Poseidon, Calauria. 

There are six columns on each short side and twelve on each long side. We can see a unique concept applied to this temple which is the concept of balance. Back then, this was among the first building was built with this kind of concept.
This temple was built because they need some place for some religion activity. It is creative when this temple gave the expected result.
Beauty of art:
The official religion inspired themes for artistic expressions and justifications for temples, statues and plays devoted the the glories of the god. 

2. What environmental conditions existed ?

#The needs :For the mosque and temple, they need some place for some religion activities and that is why they built it. 
#Easiness : The purpose of creating something is often related to make our life easier. For example, the purpose of creating transportations.
#Speed : They need to be faster. This is the time where is the invention of the telephone, car and so on.

3.What was the PROCESS of creativity ?

Just make it  simple for the process of creativity ;)
DO IT = is a process for creativity.
Techniques outlined earlier in this chapter focus on specific aspects of creative thinking. DO IT bundles them together, and introduces formal methods of problem definition and evaluation. These help you to get the best out of the creativity techniques.
DO IT that stands for :
D – Define problem
  • Check that you are tackling the problem, not the symptoms of the problem. To do this, ask yourself why the problem exists repeatedly until you get to the root of it.
  • Lay out the bounds of the problem. Work out the objectives that you must achieve and the constraints that you are operating under.
  • Where a problem appears to be very large, break it down into smaller parts. Keep on going until each part is achievable in its own right, or needs a precisely defined area of research to be carried out. See Drill Down for a detailed description of this process.
  • Summarize the problem in as concise a form as possible. Robert W Olsen suggests that the best way to do this is to write down several of two-word problem statements and choose the best one.
O – Open mind and apply creative techniques
Once you know the problem that you want to solve, you are ready to start generating possible solutions. It is very tempting just to accept the first good idea that you come across. If you do this, you will miss many even better solutions.
At this stage of DO IT we are not interested in evaluating ideas. Instead, we are trying to generate as many different ideas as possible. Even bad ideas may be the seeds of good ones.
You can use the whole battery of creativity techniques covered earlier in this section to search for possible solutions. Each tool has its particular strengths and benefits, depending on the problems that you want to solve. While you are generating solutions, remember that other people will have different perspectives on the problem, and it will almost certainly be worth asking for the opinions of your colleagues as part of this process.
I – Identify best solution
Only at this stage do you select the best of the ideas you have generated. It may be that the best idea is obvious. Alternatively, it may be worth examining and developing a number of ideas in detail before you select one.
The Decision Making Techniques section of Mind Tools explains a range of excellent decision making techniques. Decision Tree Analysis and Force Field Analysis are particularly useful. These will help you to choose between the solutions available to you.
When you are selecting a solution, keep in mind your own or your organization'sgoals. Often Decision Making becomes easy once you know these.

T – Transform
Having identified the problem and created a solution to it, the final stage is to implement this solution. This involves not only development of a reliable product from your idea, but all the marketing and business side as well. This may take a great deal of time and energy.
Many very creative people fail at this stage. They will have fun creating new products and services that may be years ahead of what is available on the market. They will then fail to develop them, and watch someone else make a fortune out of the idea several years later.
The first stage in transforming an idea is to develop an Action Plan for the transformation. This may lead to creation of a Business or Marketing Plan. Once you have done this, the work of implementation begins!

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